Sometimes I have to remind myself of the simplest things. Direct requests receive direct answers.
While I was pregnant I re-read one of my favorite books, The Lightworker’s Way by Doreen Virtue. I was shocked that I had never notice how often she talks about god in that book! I was shocked and terribly disappointed! I got angry and stopped reading the book.
My life had been godless since I left the religion I was raised in. Enough is enough already, and no thank you! So one night while I lay in bed, hugely pregnant, and very uncomfortably not sleeping, I started up a conversation with my guide. I poured my heart out and in the end asked if there really is a god. She simply said, “God is love…”
I contemplated the answer and decided it wasn’t good enough. I wanted an unmistakable sign. The sign I requested was to see a bluebird. Any kind of bluebird, even the word bluebird would have been okay. I gave a time frame of one week.
At no time during that week did I think to watch one of the movies I had with a bluebird. At no time did I think to listen to one of my MP3s which mentions a bluebird. No bluebirds in the garden. No internet bluebirds. No twitters, no tweets.
On the fifth day we went to the grocery store. Drove down a road that we always took and there on a power box was a graffiti bluebird. It looked as if it had been there for ages, worn away in stops and color-faded. This was no new bluebird, but it was the first time I had seen it. I got my sign.
I wish I could say this became a regular thing for me; asking for an obvious sign to get answers to the tough questions, but it didn’t.
I left a bad situation and moved home. Sure the signs pointed me in this direction, but at no time did I ask the question: Where would be the best place for my son and I to move. Until recently.
Things in my home town haven’t exactly turned out the way I expected. I’ll say this much, any time I have told someone what I do I don’t hear from them ever again… So, it is clear this is not the place for us to live permanently. But where should we go?
The letter I wrote to my guides and angels said this, “I am asking for direction and a clear sign about where would be the best place for David and I to move…” I thought a perfect sign would be to see a moving van with the name of a town written large across the side. But I left it to spirit to give the sign and only asked that it be clear and obvious.
David and I had a play date at the zoo that morning, so we went on with our day. Truth-be-told, I forgot about asking the question until we were on our way home. We were stopped at a red light behind a mini-van. I had a wave of goose bumps wash over me when I saw the make of the mini-van. SEDONA. This was significant. And clear and obvious. But I tried talking myself out of it by saying, “Yeah? Where’s the moving van?!” Then, some unseen force moved my head. I looked to my left and saw I was stopped right next to a moving van!
I was excited and scared all at once. I have heard great things about the place, but my skin type is not exactly conducive to the desert. However, I have been comparing the daily weather conditions in Sedona to where I am now and. The temperatures are almost identical. But Sedona has more rainfall in the summertime and gets overcast during the day. Yay!
I am really looking forward to this move.
1 comment:
Do you have a date set for the move yet? I really want to see you and David again before you go!
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